“81 interventions to date…

Isbourne Catchment Group Annual General Meeting – Chair’s Report

9th November 2020

This AGM is clearly different to previous meetings, being virtual in response to the on-going pandemic restrictions, but its objectives remain the same:-

  • to quantify and review the activity of the previous 12 months with our partners
  • identify planned works and seek opportunities for further engagement
  • report on funding committed and future funding options

The fact that our partners have secured funding and works are happening is evidence that there is now a more widespread acceptance that Natural Flood Management is a cost effective measure to help reduce the incidence of flooding whilst also improving biodiversity.

Covid-19 has caused delays in implementation and we will explore with the Environment Agency whether funds can be rolled forward to the next financial year.

I will leave the full detail of the initiatives undertaken and planned to be reported by Wendy Bufton, the WCC field officer for the Avon and tributaries funding programme but it is worth highlighting the following

  • 81 interventions to date, including
  • 55 Woody dams
  • 12 storage areas
  • 10 ponds

on the Beesmoor and Farmcote tributaries, Laverton Hill and more recently at Sudeley.

In terms of funding, we reported in 2019 of income of £91,300 and to date £54,118 has been expended directly on projects. Future funding and how ICG can support bids will be explored at the meeting.

As the programme gains momentum and there is now plenty of physical evidence of interventions we need to explore how we can further raise awareness of the excellent work being carried out and also improve partner communications so that the ICG members can help champion the interventions in a more co-ordinated manner.

Jeremy Williamson: Chairman

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