• Toddington Manor Estate visit

    A walk through Toddington Manor Estate was enabled by owner Damian Hirst and his Estates Manager Owen Butler. The Environment Agency, University staff and students and ICG group members walked the length of the estate both sides of the river

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  • River Isbourne Catchment Walk

    On Monday 7th November a Catchment walk along the Toddington estate section of the River Isbourne took place, attended by representatives from the Toddington estate, the Isbourne Catchment Group (Annette Dawson, Sue Morris and Richard Wakeford), the University of Gloucestershire

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  • University’s final report received

    The Isbourne Catchment Group and the Environment Agency were pleased to receive the final report from the University of Gloucestershire and Countryside & Community Research Institute. Following detailed feedback and discussions we now have a report which identifies the opportunities

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  • First Isbourne Catchment Group AGM

    The first Isbourne Catchment Group AGM was held on Thursday 19th May at Sedgeberrow Village Hall to a wide audience (34 in total) including statutory agencies, group members, Chaceley Flood Group and local people with an interest in our activities.

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  • Cross-boundary action group set up to reduce risk of flooding on Gloucestershire’s River Isbourne

    Almost eight years ago to the day flooding devastated many parts of Gloucestershire. One of the rivers that broke its banks was the Isbourne which runs from Cleeve Hill, through Winchcombe and onto Evesham where it joins the Avon. But

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  • Isbourne Catchment Group

    We have established a River Isbourne Catchment group, to consider and hopefully through collective action address the longer term environmental management/flood risks associated with the river and its tributaries. As a flood group in Sedgeberrow we have experience of the

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