Work by the EA at Sedgeberrow

Copy of a letter to Annette Dawson explaining the Flood relief work being carried out on the River Isbourne at Sedgeberrow:

“Thank you very much for your email regarding the works at Sedgeberrow, and my apologies for not contacting you directly prior to this. I have broken down the works activities and provided a description as to how it will help manage the flood risk in the village. I hope it helps summarise the works for any community liaison that you undertake going forward.

The works activities along the River Isbourne at Sedgeberrow are as below:

· Manage the in-channel vegetation and obstructions along the stretch of engineered channel between the footbridge and the A46 Road bridge.

Why: vegetation, in-channel blockages and obstructions reduce the capacity of the channel and create friction which reduces the flow rate. Removal/reduction of these issues allow the channel to store more water and improve conveyance through the village.

· Removal of the silt berm on the right bank of the Cheltenham Road bridge.

Why: Similarly to the vegetation, the silt berm is reducing the channel capacity. Removing it will allow the channel to store more water.

· Replace the access steps on the downstream side of the Cheltenham Road bridge

Why: The existing steps are in poor condition. Improvements will allow us to maintain safe working access for our operatives so that they can continue to maintain the outfall flaps and channel along this reach.

· Re-plant native hedge plants on the top of the right bank through the cattle field and the left bank through the downstream field (with horses present) between the Cheltenham road bridge and sewage works. (I will produce a drawing for you showing these extents and send it over early next week to better describe location).

Why: This is to mitigate the loss of in-channel vegetation and the vegetation removed to facilitate the works. Once established, this is likely to provide some of the cover lost.

Landowner Engagement

· The affected landowners have received a letter and have been invited to get in contact with myself to discuss further should they wish to.

Prior to working on the left bank (whereupon most of the gardens back on to the watercourse), I have asked our contractors to contact the landowners to discuss the specifics of the works on their land. Works on the left bank are likely to begin W/C 1 Nov 2021 onwards. I will be available to discuss the works with the community throughout the project.

Slippage and erosion on the left bank

· This is outside of the Scope of this project at this stage as we are primarily looking to reduce the flood risk through the village ahead of winter. Once Steve returns from leave I will discuss the issue with him and get back to you.

Thank you again for your interest in the works, and continued interest in reducing flood risk in Sedgeberrow. Any further questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Best Regards,


Rhys Davies

Field Operations Contract Advisor | West Midlands Area

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